

Kristofer Hanson grew up surrounded by the creative arts and was actively involved in music training and music groups from early childhood. He grew up playing many instruments and has received instruction from several prominent artists and educators. Kris eventually settled on the acoustic guitar as his main instrument - and he also sings on occasion.

A parallel storyline to Kris’s musical journey is the formative influence of a lifetime in the field of human services. Growing up with foster adults and children in his home, Kris then worked in group homes in high school and college, and earned a degree in Human Services. He has now compiled over 25 years of experience working in disabilities, mental health, and behavioral services.

Kris views music as a service and seeks to support people in ways they want and need. Kris believes strongly that music is therapeutically important for everyone’s well-being, and adds value and richness to all facets of a well-balanced life.